Parenting tips

Let’s Read a Story

Let's Read a Story Reading to your child is one of the most precious things you can do.  It relaxes not just your child but you. You are connecting in an intimate way that helps your child feel safe and secure. Reading to your child also paves the way for effective [...]

Let’s Read a Story2020-10-02T18:21:15+00:00

A Positive Attitude!

A positive attitude A story we are all familiar with, two people look at the same glass: one sees it as ‘half full’, the other sees it as ‘half empty’. Hello again. Where are the weeks going? One minute we are stressing about the kids being off school the next we [...]

A Positive Attitude!2020-09-25T12:54:25+00:00


Shyness is an important topic during preschool years as social interaction is needed for a young child’s social development. It is also essential for good physical, emotional and intellectual development. Around 15 % of children display shy characteristics and research shows that shyness can be seen from as early as 4 [...]


Encouraging Special Gifts and Talents

Every parent wants their child to grow up into a healthy, happy and successful person who reaches their full potential. One way of planting the seeds of happiness and successfulness in your child’s life is to nurture the special gifts and talents your child naturally possesses from a young age. From [...]

Encouraging Special Gifts and Talents2020-08-07T15:33:28+00:00

Good Manners:  Are They Important?

What exactly do we mean when we talk about 'good manners'? Are good manners simply about being polite to others, or do they reflect something deeper? Good manners aren't just about ‘formal manners’ or manners we use when people call to our house for example.  It is true good manners, in [...]

Good Manners:  Are They Important?2020-07-31T12:00:16+00:00

Staycation Travel Tips for Families

I think we are all going a little stir crazy at the moment and itchy feet now need scratching.  Everyone seems to be talking about holidays and getting away for a few days.  And with most governments suggesting we opt for 'Staycations' here are some travel tips to get your holiday [...]

Staycation Travel Tips for Families2020-07-24T11:48:10+00:00
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